Some Medicinal Poisonous Plants Found in Antalya



Poisonous plants, medicinal plants, Antalya, Biodiversity


Nowadays, treatment with plants, which is an alternative treatment method, has become quite common. The plants used in these treatment methods can sometimes be poisonous, and misuse can lead to many negative effects and even bad situations that can result in death. Therefore, it is necessary to know such plants and pay attention to their use.

In our study, poisonous plants were determined by literature review. Family name, genus name, species name, Turkish name, poisonous part of the determined plants and the name of the study conducted on the plant are given.

According to this; In the study, a total of 136 poisonous plants, including 45 families, 95 genera, 130 species, 6 subspecies and 9 endemics, were identified in Antalya province. The families with the highest number of plants are Ranunculaceae (13), Fabaceae (12) and Iridaceae (12).

There are many plant species identified in the literature that are known to contain poison but need in-depth research from many branches of science, and they continue to increase day by day. For this reason, it is very important to recognize these plants and people need to be careful about this.


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